Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Add an Account Product as a Base Share

Within Rules Management, administrators have the ability to author business rules that automatically add an account product to an application as a base share. For example, if an institution requires a savings account to be opened in order to become an account holder, administrators can author a rule that automatically adds the savings account to the application as soon as the application process is started.

Account products marked as a base share are necessary for disbursement to occur; therefore, they are considered required and cannot be deleted from the application.
To see this functionality in action, view the Adding Account Products through Rules video tutorial.

To begin authoring this type of rule, navigate to System Management > Origination > Rules Management and click  to open Rules Manager.

For a complete overview of the rule configuration process, please see the Rules Management topic within this guide.

Use the table below to assist with configuring a business rule that adds an account product to an application as a base share:

Action Template What it Does Category Selection
Add an account product as a base share

Adds the defined account product to an application as a base share.


Default ValuesEvent Processing

By default, Default Value rules do not re-run when Change Product is selected. However, if configured, Event Processing rules may execute to set default values when a product is changed.

The example rule below has been configured to provide a demonstration of a Default Values rule that adds a savings account to an application for a new account holder:

After the rule is created, it must be assigned to the desired sub-product(s) within Account Application Types:

Deduplication of Account Products

As part of the Application Initialization process, the system looks for new account products added through rules and de-dupes any of the same account products added from the New Application screen. This ensures only one account product is added to the application and is marked as a base share as dictated within the rule.

This process is not limited to application initialization and occurs any time an account product is added during application processing.

For example, if a Default Values rule is configured to automatically add a savings account to an application for a new account holder, when a new account holder application is created and a savings account product is selected within the New Application screen, this process de-dupes the savings accounts to ensure that only one savings account is added to the application as a base share.



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